公民基本义务 fundamental duties of citizens
合同规定 contract provisions/stipulations
合同有效期 contract life
法人资格 corporate capacity
法人的权利能力 legal capacity of juristic person
监护人 guardian
附带的条件 incident
必然因果关系 positive causal relationship
补救办法 remedial measures
个体工商户 individual businesses
法人的责任能力 capacity for responsibility of juristic person
工商行政管理机关 the administrative agency for industry and commerce
负全部责任 bear all responsibilities; in all charge
负有连带义务的每个债务人 each of the joint debtors
履行监护职责:fulfill duty of guardianship
比较法学派 school of comparative jurisprudence
超出法律权限的 extralegal
次要规则 secondary rule
从宽解释原则 doctrine of liberal construction
成文法 written law
传统法律观念 traditional ideas of law
不可抗力 force majuere
不可让与性 inalienability
部门规章 regulation
参照原文 consult the original