合同正本 originals of the contract
核准登记的经营范围 within the range approved and registered
居民委员会 the neighborhood committee
补充规定 supplementary provision
平等主体 civil subjects with equal status
企业法人被撤销 the dissolution of an enterprise as legal person
不作为 abstain from an act; act of omission
超出法律范围 outside of law
冲突规则 conflict rule; rule of conflict
取得法人资格 be qualified as a legal person
取得不当得利 profits acquired improperly and without a lawful basis
附带要求 contingent claim
不履行法律义务 non-performance of obligation
不因实效而丧失的权利 imprescriptible right
超过权限 exceed authority; beyond jurisdiction
全民所有制企业 an enterprise owned by the whole people
依法律规定 according to law
案例教学法 case system
埋藏物、隐藏物 buried or concealed object
农村承包经营户 leaseholding farm households